Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On Top of the World

My husband and I recently got back from a mini-trip for our 1-year Wedding Anniversary. We went up the coast to Mendocino and Sea Ranch.

I am still planning on doing an entire Blog posting about our time there, but I have one picture Ryan took that is just amazing.

Ryan titled it, "Sarah On Top of the World." And how could you not call it that? These views were incredible! Living in such a beautiful place makes your mind free, heart open and opportunities limitless!

When you step back, take it all in and look around you realize that, YES, you can feel On Top of the World! Happy Wednesdsay!



  1. That is a great shot of you on top of the world!! I was married a year last month.
    (BTW I see your doggie has the same name as my daughter, lol, Fiona)

  2. great visual..great reminder. embrace life. thanks.
