Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leg Workout

Day 2 in the Workout is Legs (the lifting version of the Leg Workout). 

Day 1: Chest/Back + HIIT Cardio
Day 2: Legs (lift)
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: Shoulder/Tricep/Bicep + HIIT Cardio
Day 5: Legs (Circuit)
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: HIIT Cardio + Abs

Here is what it looked like:

1. Smith Machine Deep Squat
- 4 sets; RI = 45 sec. -

2. Straight Leg Deadlift
- 4 sets; RI = 45 sec. - 

3. Ballerina Squat - slow
- 4 sets; RI = 45 sec. -

4. DB Calf Raise
-  4 sets; RI = 45 sec. -

DB Lunge - to - 2 minute uphill walk/run/sprint - to - DB Lunge. (2 times)

5 minute cooldown. Stretching.

My legs felt like Jello. I thought they might come off, but never fear, they are still here! And I feel great! Since I have 2 days of legs, this is the day where I lift heavy. I try to do heavy weight at only 8 reps. The second leg day is more reps in a circuit-style manner. You'll see!


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