Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back to the Basics: GAPS Diet


I have been getting many questions lately about the GAPS Diet. The 2 most common:
  • "What is it?"
  • "Why do you do it?"
Along with it, I get comments. The 3 rudest:
  • "That's weird."
  • "You must have ADD/ADHD/Schizophrenia if you do that."
  • "Just be normal."
Due to the amount of questions & comments, I decided - for myself -to get "back to the basics." And by "back to the basics," I mean: Educate myself on the Diet even more so that I can educate others in an understandable way. I have been spending most nights and every break during my days that I can re-reading this amazing book. You can see it HERE.

I will not be doing this in one blog post, but rather over the next several. There is a plethora of great information that I believe people will find interesting and also beneficial. 

It is NOT my intention to have you think that what I write and discuss is the be all, end all. It IS my intention, though, to share what I know though the passion I have towards it. I once heard from a teacher in junior high, "Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you read." That being said, take this information for whatever it's worth to you!

Stay tuned....



  1. Hi, I found your blog a few weeks back. I'm doing GAPS and another funny coincidence is that I use to be a Garment Developer of Women's Running and Tech Training at the Nike campus. I thought you might be interested in this program that I'm looking at so I thought I'd pass on the link. You seem to enjoy learning about nutrition and whole eating. I enjoy your blog and keep up the great work. http://www.nutritionaltherapy.com/

  2. Jill,
    Thanks for the message. I will check out the website!
