Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Heights

As promised from yesterday....highlights from Montana!

Yet another trip with Ryan. 
New places, faces and scenery!

 Because I wasn't bloated and felt amazing, I was able to climb with Ryan to the top of Mount Helena. GORGEOUS!

Mind over matter. If I could do it there - I can do this anywhere!


  1. You are so gorgeous and inspirational. I'm serious! :-)
    Keep climbing, Sarah!! I love following your blog and reading about your journeys. They make me smile, especially knowing you're healthy and happy and able to achieve both small and big things. Wow, could I be any cheesier?? *lol*

  2. You are NOT cheesy, Rachel! Thank you for the kind words. I enjoyed our coffee session the other day. I am watching for big things from you as well!

    Thank you again - glad you love the Blog!
