Today's Motto: "Go Big or Go Home."
Here are my 3 reasons WHY:
I went BIG. When I first started working with Leah, we determined my 22 food intolerances. Cutting them out of diet was difficult at first. After almost 3 months of just avoiding those foods and not feeling as well (if well at all) as we'd hoped, we knew another change needed to take place. So, I went BIG - made BIG changes. And it worked. I've had to cut everything processed and virtually all sugars and carbs (in addition to everything I already had to refrain from). Someone asked me today, "But don't you miss it? Aren't you just craving those foods?" And the answer is - "No." I feel unbelievable. Amazing. I see life in color now. I have a new "lease on life."
I went BIG. I wasn't ready to quit or go home.
It's paid off.
3 1/2 years ago for Christmas, my parents got me a trainer when I lived in Minnesota. My trainer took my body fat percentage on the first day. I was all but satisfied with the number on that sheet of paper. I've kept it these past few years as a reminder of where I don't want to be. A few short months later we moved to California. Little-by-little, I started to lose weight and got in better shape. 7 months before my wedding I really "cleaned up." I ate better and got focused on fitness. Around this time, I was down 5% body fat. For the past year, I've really worked hard. When I workout, I do so with as much effort/energy as I have to expend for the day. I focus on the task at hand. And by the same token, I am just as serious about my diet. I have gone big with passion on this (mostly due to food restrictions). Because of it, I'm running my very 1st half marathon in less than 2 months, the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco. Furthermore, this morning, at 5am, I had another body fat analysis done. I am proud to say that I am now 10% body fat less than I was 3 1/2 years ago. I've made it into the "very lean" category.
I went BIG. I've worked hard. It's paid off.
I recently said on my Nike Blog that I am, "Continuously re-inventing myself." I meant it. I love knowing that I have no idea what's coming next. BUT, knowing that my hard work, dedication, passion and work ethic is going to take me to a place with endless possibilities. I have FINALLY figured out what my "tick" is - what it is that makes me awake all hours of the night and eager to get up at 4:30am. It's a mix of things. But it's BIG in the sense that there is a little of this and a little of that - not all the eggs are in one basket. I put a little of my work in several places - trying to make it stick - and stick BIG in some way, shape or form.
I'm going BIG with endless possibilites. I won't stop until I make it. Not ready to go "home" - or stay complacent.

Happy Friday!
ps. Check out the Official Nike Human Race 2009 Ambassador Video. R/GA did a stunning job!
love your post. inspires me. yup. go big or go home. i'm with you all the way!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Runnrgrrl - you inspire me everyday, too! Welcome to my Blog!
ReplyDeleteYou are an added inspiration and motivation to the lifestyle that I've embraced for the past 5 months. Like you, I won't stop. Continue to inspire people Sarah.Ü