Monday, August 24, 2009

Minnesota Visit

I've decided to simplify this process even more. I won't be writing what day I'm on anymore! It's just one more "to do" that I'm done doing!

So I survived MN with GAPS. But, mistakes were made. I won't lie or sugarcoat it at all.

Friday night we went out - I ate and drank. Immediately upon eating, a huge, red dot appeared in my mouth. The next morning my left side hurt badly. I did well all day Saturday. Then, Saturday night I ate and drank again. And again on Sunday night in the airport I made a food mistake.

However, I made many less mistakes than I thought I would. Nonetheless, I made them.

I'm okay with it, though. I'm back on "task." I feel so much better when I go back to my normal.
It wasn't the most pleasant day today. My stomach was bad in the morning post-run. I did get sick. And my mouth annoyed me some. I was tired, too, but I also had a very busy weekend!

Being back in Minnesota made me so happy. Sure I love California. I love my life here, the wather, adverntures, friends and running. (I also love th eaccess to Whole Foods!) But, I really miss home. I miss family, friends and a more simple life. I miss time - time that seems to escape when we miss out on things. The kids grow up so fast and our friends and family build stronger relationships with each other.

But I know that this too shall pass.


I am focusing this week on my super-clean diet SO THAT I can be the Best Pied Piper Leader I can be!

Here is what I ate today (no new additions):
  • Chicken
  • Magic Mineral Broth
  • Chicken Broth
  • Ground Turkey - slowcooked
  • Raw Sauerkraut, Raw Vegi-Delite, White Miso
  • Artisana Raw Pecan/Cashew Butter
  • Honey
  • Banana * 2
  • Wild Salmon Burger + Coconut Oil
I made sure to take my Probiotics, HCL and Enzymes. No Fish Oil today.

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