Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lean, Thin & Fabulous

Day 44.

No, I'm not saying I'm Lean, Thin & Fabulous! Just keep reading:)

I'm easing into a nice 4-day work week!

I had a real long workout tonight. Weights, then Sallie's Extreme Abs class, more weights and ending out the night with a 1.25 hour Yoga class with Neera!

It occurred me somewhere between my sets and reps of weights and the last Savasana I enjoyed that There is no "Shortcut" for Getting Thin! And I'll say it again....


How many times in a day are we bombarded by some new weight loss article, pill, gimmick, idea, etc? You name the type of diet you want to "make you lose a ton of weight," and you can probably find it somewhere out there. If you can't, chances are should you write a book about your "amazing new diet" it will become a bestseller! People want to see, hear and read about the latest and greatest way to be lean, thin and fabulous!

Everyone is out there looking to get lean, thin and fabulous in less than 1 week! But let's be completely honest....IF there were such a magic potion, the entire world would be lean, thin and fabulous - even if it took them 2 weeks instead of one to obtain this. I could write an entire book on this, but to get you started for today -

Let me offer up some "TRUTHS" and advice (as blunt as they may be) on getting Lean, Thin & Fabulous:
  1. There are no shortcuts for getting lean, thin and fabulous.
  2. Stop wasting your money on the "magic pill." There is no such thing. Once your bottle is gone, the FDA will probably then come out with life-altering news that "oops....that diet pill could have killed you."
  3. Women - I am a firm believer that achieving a lean physique is 80-90% what you put in your mouth.
  4. Moving your body is 100% necessary. You do not have to workout hours on end, but you do have to get yourself moving!
  5. If you are already in OK shape, treading lightly on an elliptical, while reading a magazine and barely breaking a sweat will not get you lean.
  6. Your healthy food of: Fat free this and fat free that, Special K Bars, Snickers energy bars and reduced-fat blueberry muffins are not healthy in the least bit!
  7. You can get thin without weights. You can't get lean without weights, though!
  8. And for crying out loud (!) you will not get big and bulky like Hulk Hogan. NOT POSSIBLE with your 15 pound dumb bells!
  9. Stop saying..."Starting on Monday I am going to....."
  10. And start saying, "Today I'm going to love myself. I'm going to take the time for me by eating the right foods and getting in the gym. I'm not buying the latest diet pill or buying into the idea of a diet fad. I know that this will be a journey. It will take longer than 1 week, longer than 1 month and probably even longer than 1 year. But I also know that once I've kept up with my healthy ways day in and day out for the rest of my life, as a lifestyle and not a diet, that I will then be a LEAN, MEAN AND THIN, FABULOUS MACHINE!"
Again, I practice what I preach. I have been living this "long-term" thinking way for over 2 years now. I love it! I still have a ways to go, but I am confident that there is a lean, mean and thin, fabulous machine in all of us!

My stomach was twisted and felt bloated late afternoon to early evening. I had this weird bloated pain. I have not gone to the bathroom in 2 days, though. Odd. Even more odd - my mouth was overall very great today! It was about a level 2/3. I had decent energy today. I think I was mostly tired from staying up so late last night. I felt good overall today, except for those few hours.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Coconut Milk Light and Unsweetened Rice Milk, Flax, and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar (Dried Apple and Cranberry)
  • Organic Apple
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Lean Turkey Burger (lean turkey, cumin, garlic, sea salt, pepper)
  • Olive Oil
  • 3 lettuce mix
  • Orange
  • Ancient Harvest quinoa pasta (Garbanzo beans, cinnamon, red peppers)
  • Grilled chicken
  • 3 Lettuce
  • Fish Oil + Spirulina + Sea Salt
  • Wild Salmon Burger
  • Bedtime Tea
  • Unsweetened Applesauce

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