Thursday, April 30, 2009

Whole Foods Tricked Me

Day 18.

A setback today.

The beginning of the day started out pretty good. My mouth was a little annoyed before lunch. I was so hungry at lunchtime and didn't have any protein, so I ran to Whole Foods. From their salad bar I got turkey and chicken. The turkey slot said, "Turkey." The chicken slot said, "Chicken." Whole foods usually discloses all ingredients, etc. I figured I was fine. I started eating my turkey and chicken, when I noticed the turkey cubes were 2 colors. And then it hit me...the turkey cubes were in fact turkey AND ham cubes. UGH! PORK!

Post lunch, my mouth really started to annoy me. It got back up to a 7/8 today! My stomach was also twisting and bloated. Not happy!

Here was my day:

Breakfast + Pre & Post- Workout

  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, 1 Tbsp Cacao, Banana, 2 Tbsp flax seed, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Winter Squash Baby Food
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Spring Mix+ Spinach + Collard Greens + (greens) from Mineral Broth + garlic + Sea Salt
  • Turkey and Chicken (and HAM) from Whole Foods
  • Quinoa/Mung Dal Kitcheree
  • Organic Apple
  • Orange
  • Organic Raw Carrots
  • Collard Greens + Greens + Garlic + Sea Salt
It was such a stressful and chaotic night. I am now, finally, in San Francisco. I'm so hungry. It's 10:30pm, but I am too afraid to eat anything. Room service? Forget it. Food place in the 2-block radius? Highly doubt it.

I just want to be able to be normal and order in - something, anything.

Day 19 tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hungry. Plain, Old Hungry.

Day 17 (part II).

Today was a much better day for me, as far as energy is concerned. After the morning bump, I felt more "alive!"

I have run into a couple of other problems, though:
1. Hunger.
2. Bloating & Twisting Tummy.

I am so hungry today; I was so hungry yesterday, too. Not so much fun. This could be from many things, I'm not sure. Nonetheless, I don't like it!

I know what everyone is thinking about the bloating and twisting tummy, "What? This is nothing new." But it is new because of when it's happening. I have noticed that either right after lunch or within a couple of hours from lunch, I get bloated, with a twisting and gassy tummy. Often times, this left-sided pain accompanies it as well.

I wonder about this. The part that makes it new is that I feel overall so much better - mouth so much better - and yet this is happening. It's also occurring right after lunch, when, many times I"m still hungry. I feel like I eat so much at lunch. My plate is heaping with vegetables, a little protein, quinoa and olive oil. Heaping with these things. Yet, immediately after lunch I'm still so hungry. As I continue to stay hungry, I get more and more bloated and get all that accompanies it.

I never feel as though I'm "skimping" on calories during the day. I feel that what I eat suffices - I don't lose a ton of weight, if any at all. However, I'm always so hungry. Perhaps my sense of "enough calories" is skewed. I'm really not sure what it is.

My mouth was so great today. I would give it a steady 2, but at times only a 0/1 for annoyance. This is absolutely AMAZING! Amazing, amazing, amazing! Words cannot express the absolute joy in this! 5 years of it and by removing "something" from my diet, it clears up. AMAZING. Nothing short of AMAZING!

After dinner tonight my stomach was terrible. I am suspecting the Mung Dal Kitcheree, but only because of the beans in it. I don't think my stomach knows how to digest them properly yet. Eventually, but perhaps not yet. I had more than usual tonight, too.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, 1 Tbsp Cacao, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Spinach + Sea Salt
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Spring Mix+ Spinach + Collard Greens + (greens) from Mineral Broth + garlic + Sea Salt
  • Salmon
  • Olive Oil
  • Quinoa
  • Organic Apple
  • Magic Mineral Broth
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Orange
  • Salmon
  • Organic Spring Mix+ Collard Greens + Spinach + (greens) from Mineral Broth + garlic + Sea Salt
  • Flax Seed + Olive Oil
  • Mung Dal Kitcheree
  • Organic Dried Bananas and Organic Dried Mangos
  • Coconut Chocolate Pudding
The next few days are going to be difficult. I will be away from home; in San Francisco for the next few days. We'll see what happens and how I deal with it! One thing is for sure, I am extremely excited to check out the Rainbow Co-Op! Ryan says I'm going to be in "Bulk Heaven!" He loves that I can get excited about bins and bins of bulk food!

Tomorrow is already Day 18!


Day 17.

You will notice a gap from Day 15 until today - Day 17.

Yesterday was such an odd day for me. My mouth was consistently around a level 2 only! It annoyed me a little bit more at night, but nothing too bad. However, around 3pm yesterday I got super fatigued.

Let me explain what I mean when I use the term "fatigued." My body feels like a dead weight. I'm not tired in the sense that I want to sleep and sleep and sleep, usually. Typically, it's just that I physically feel so exhausted.

Tuesday nights are usually a big workout night for me. I usually do cardio, then extreme abs class, then more cardio and end with a 1.25 hour session of Yoga! However, last night, I made it through the cardio and extreme abs, (but barely) and I was done! Since I'm really starting to listen to my body, I knew it was telling me that I should not continue with 1.5 more hours of working out!

I got home. I ate dinner because I was so hungry. After dinner, I grabbed an orange and watched American Idol. Shortly after, I fell asleep.

I had every intention of writing last night, but came up short when my body just wouldn't allow it.

I am still feeling the fatigue this morning. I hope the day gets better!

More to come least I hope.

Monday, April 27, 2009

And We're Off to Week 3....

Day 15.

It was a good day, overall, today. I had good energy. My stomach only got some bloated and twisted around 3pm (the usual time of day it seems). My mouth was at about a level 3/4 all day.

It was so cold in Northern California today. I even wore a turtleneck - sometimes I take it to the extremes! Anyways, on this cold day, I decided to brew a "different" kind of tea than I typically do.

I drink 1-3 glasses of Green Tea almost every day now! When my Mother was here visiting she was saying how she really wants to get in to drinking it, but that she doesn't like the taste. I won't lie - I don't always care for it much, either (mostly because I'm still bias from my unbelievable devotion to coffee). But, as I told her, "it's more of an acquired taste." That, added with the fact I know all the health benefits, makes it easier for me to drink!

Typically, I brew just the Green Tea and drink it plain, maybe with a hint of Stevia. Sometimes, I put a little lemon in. Today, I decided to make a Cinnamon Bark Green Tea with a hint of Stevia. I have a ton of Cinnamon Bark leftover from my recipe this weekend, and I love using anything Cinnamon any chance I get. So, I brewed the tea and then threw in a couple small pieces of the Bark. I never drink my tea right away - I like to let everything "soak" in. By the time I drank my tea today it was full of flavor! It tasted so great, kept me so warm and made me feel good overall! I think I'll have it again tomorrow:)

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Chocolate Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Vegs from the Magic Mineral Broth
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Spring Mix+ Collard Greens + garlic + lemon juice + Sea Salt
  • Salmon
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
  • Quinoa
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Salmon
  • Raw Walnuts
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Raw Carrots
  • Salmon
  • Organic Spring Mix+ Collard Greens + garlic + lemon juice + Sea Salt
  • Flax Seed + Olive Oil
  • Mung Dal Kitcheree
  • (A Few Bites) Coconut Chocolate Pudding
Side note about the Coconut Chocolate Pudding 3 days later: Still amazing! We had so much leftover because 1/4-1/2 cup is all you need to eat at a time for a dessert. It's so rich, so full of life and flavor that just a few bites is completely satisfying. I am so glad it tasted so great still 3 days later. It's almost like a fudge, now! Maybe next time I'll make fudge-square candies with the recipe!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekly Fitness "To-Do's"

Day 14.

Wow! Can we believe I have actually made it to see the 2-week mark?! I am so proud of myself!

Today was a pretty good day. I felt pretty good overall in the beginning part of the day. I started to get bloated about 4:30pm, but just for like an hour or two. My mouth was about at a level 2/3 - 5/6 today. After the bloating, my stomach started rumbling some, then got some twisted and I didn't feel the greatest. I worry a little about the food I made yesterday. I know it was all food that's supposed to be okay for me, but there are so many foods in all of that and I just am not sure that my system is ready for it all. I will keep my eye on this in the next few days.

I took the day off from working out, as we helped our friends move. We took our dogs for about a half hour walk when we got home. I like taking about 1-2 days off from working out/week. More than that, though, and I'm usually pretty antsy! I keep myself very busy with my workouts each week.

I do something on Sunday nights that gets me "re-motivated" for the upcoming week of workouts. I like doing this on Sundays, too, because typically I don't workout on Sunday, so I'm extra motivated for Monday to come. I make a "Weekly Fitness To-Do List." I write this down in my food/workout journal. This way, I keep myself accountable and on task! And, because I love lists so much it's satisfying to create as well as check off when I've finished the task!

So, here is my "Weekly Fitness To-Do List" for April 27 - May 3:
  • Full Body/Circuit
  • Full Body/Circuit #2 OR Misc. Weight/Circuit
  • Misc. Full Body (Ball, Band, Cables)
  • Yoga - Tuesday - Neera
  • Abs - Tuesday - Sallie
  • Abs - Thursday - Sallie
  • 20 min. HIIT
  • 20 min. HIIT
  • Cardio: 25-45 min.
  • Cardio: 60 min. - San Francisco Run
  • Spinning - Monday - Christina (30 min. only)
  • Park Workout
  • Park Workout #2
(I know that most of these will not make any sense to those reading this, but if you want to know more or know exactly what any of these entail, please feel free to email me.)

Keep in mind that I do 1-3 of these/day AND that while keeping this realistic, it's always typically above what I complete. For example, realistically I know I'll be in San Francisco staying 2 nights this week, so I'll get a long run in there instead of an extra weight training session. And clearly this is above and beyond what I'll actually accomplish this week, since I will be in San Francisco for 2 days. That being said, this past week, I only missed 2 of my planned workouts! That's phenomenal for me! I'm so excited for my upcoming week of zen, yet active and challenging workouts!

Here was my day:


  • 1/4 c. Steel Cut Oats with Flax Seed, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • (Peets Coffee) 1/2 of a small with Unsweetened rice milk and Stevia (yes, I had a tiny coffee)
  • Magic Mineral Broth
  • 2 tiny organic apples
  • Organic Raw Carrots
  • Orange
  • Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Salmon
  • Mung Dal Kitcheree
  • Organic Spring Mix + Collard Greens + Garlic + Lemon + Sea Salt
  • Flax Seed + Olive Oil
  • Orange
Tomorrow is Monday...and into Week 3!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Cook & Bake Fest

Day 13.

Today was a fabulous Saturday! I woke up, had my Steel Cut Oats breakfast and then went to the gym for an hour and a half workout. I had amazing energy! I felt so wonderful before, during and after working out!

My stomach was only twisted and gassy after lunch for a couple of hours. My mouth was some annoyed in the morning and then again at night around 8pm. Alternated between a 2/3 and 6/7 today.

After my workout, I went grocery shopping (again!). I went to a Health Food Store, then an Indian Food Store and finally to the local Safeway. I was on a mission to get the rest of my ingredients to make the things I've wanted to make for a long time now!

So, I got home around 1:30 pm and proceeded to spend the next 5 hours in the and baking! It was so wonderful! I think I might be addicted to cooking/baking and new fun, fabulous and healthy recipes now!

I want to explain what and how I made the things I did today.

1. Mung Dal Kitcheree
Who knew that something with a name I've never even imagined to hear would be something I absolutely love?! You can find the entire recipe here from Leah's website.

My modifications: NO Ginger!

I am so excited to have this to eat for the week. Ryan and I had it as part of our dinner tonight. He even liked it!

"The kitcheree is especially beneficial for building strength when ill or aiding in detoxification."

I typically don't even like "spicy" things, as there is a "kick" to this. But this is amazing!

2. Magic Mineral Broth
I got very creative with this one today, going beyond the actual broth!

Make note: This one takes about 2.5 hours to make; you'll need to have plenty of time.

This is truly "magic." I thought the broth would taste "flat," but turns out to be anything but flat! It's full of flavor, low in calories and extremely high in nutritional benefits/therapy.

As a matter of fact it was stated, "This broth alone can keep people going, especially when they don't particularly want to eat. It's not just a regular vegetable. This pot of yum is high in potassium and numerous trace minerals that are often depleted by cancer therapy. Sipping this nutrient-rich stock is like giving your body an internal spa treatment. Drink it like a tea, or use it as a base for all your favorite soups and rice dishes. Don't be daunted by the ingredient list. Simply chop the ingredients in chunks and throw them in the pot, roots, skins and all."

You can find the recipe here.

My modifications: I did not have a 12-quart pot. I only had a 7-quart pot, so I halved the recipe. Also, NO celery.

So I made the broth. Turned out fabulous. Delicious.

I then proceeded to make use of every single vegetable in that pot! We don't waste anything and especially since everything in that pot is so good for us to eat!

So what did I do? I did two things. First, I took the carrots, onions, leek, garlic, parsley, kombu and bay leaves and set them in a container. I will eat them this week. I love vegetables to much. I always tell people, "I want to be a vegetable." I get "the look" from people who don't know me, usually, as they think I'm talking about some sort of death. But anyone who knows me, knows that I love vegetables so much. I don't think there is a vegetable I won't eat! I eat so many of them daily. The problem is that I eat many of the same ones everyday out of convenience. This was perfect for me because I got to put a heap of new vegetables in one container to enjoy for the upcoming week!

And second, I took the red potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams and made a side dish. My husband and I love sweet potatoes. We recently got into baked sweet potato fries. We slice them up, then lightly sprinkle with olive oil and cinnamon and bake them! Wonderful! So, since these potatoes were already so tender, I put them in a bowl and mashed them up, added just 1 Tbsp of olive oil and sprinkled a little sea salt and cinnamon on them. We had them as another side dish for dinner tonight. They were, again, wonderful! We even have enough left over for another meal or two!

And that is the end of the Magic Mineral Broth! Magical indeed!

3. Coconut Chocolate Pudding Recipe
I love vegetables. I really do love them. BUT, I really love chocolate. I know I have said it somewhere on a previous blog, but when I found out that conventional chocolate was going to be out for me, I was frustrated.

Milk chocolate is so great! Who doesn't love milk chocolate, right? And then we move into dark chocolate. We all know the "health benefits" of dark chocolate - the darker the better. Women everywhere are reading how this can prevent and help almost anything! So, we started eating the dark chocolate. I really began to love the dark chocolate. I started buying the 100-calorie dark chocolate bars at Trader Joes. Well, then I found out that I couldn't have Soy - the 100-calorie bars have soy lecithin in them. That was "good-bye" to the "oh-so-good-for-me 100-calorie-Trader-Joe bars!" So, I started looking for a new way to satisfy this chocolate urge. The problem - almost every single chocolate bar I found had either cocoa butter OR soy lecithin in it.

Then, I asked Leah about chocolate. Here is what she told me: "You can definitely find chocolate without it (soy lecithin). In fact, most organic, free trade dark chocolates will have no soy lecithin. The cheaper lesser quality chocolates use soy lecithin as an emulsifier so they can process the chocolate at higher temperatures (which is faster and saves money).Enjoy some good chocolate without soy lecithin!"

And then I asked her, "I need a recipe for a dessert. I'm lacking that in my diet!" She replied with a few options and mentioned, "Remember, dessert is a treat, treat it that way and enjoy! I like the philosophy 80/20. 80% of your diet is healthy for your body, 20% is healthy for your soul, like chocolate and wine!"

So the recipe I made today was the Coconut Chocolate Pudding Recipe which you can find here.

My modifications/brands I used: NO salt! No raz el hanout spice blend or curry powder. For the Alkalized dutch-cocoa poder I used Terr Amazon Organic Cacao Powder. For the 3.5-ounce bar semi-sweet chocolate, I used Ghirardelli's 100% cacao unsweetened Chocolate Bar. (And yes, a perfect chocolate for me. That is the only ingredient. Nothing else added to it!)

Ryan and I had this for our dessert tonight, with a Red Wine of course! But let me explain something about this dessert. For starters, I would not classify it as a pudding! This is nothing like any kind of pudding I have ever had! This is more like a mousse. It is so rich, so thick and unexplainably phenomenal! We have these tiny dishes for a dessert like this and we didn't even fill them half way. And that was OK because it was so rich, so filling and hit the spot with a little wine! As Leah said, "Dessert is a treat. Treat it that way!"

This is something I would bring to a dinner party. And at the end of the day, I would be so proud that my dessert, although rich and packed with calories, was super satisfying and yet relatively low in sugar with no chemicals added!

Here was my day:


  • 1/4 c. Steel Cut Oats, Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
Post-Workout Snack
  • Organic Apple
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Spring Mix + Organic Spinach topped with Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic + Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil + ACV + Cinnamon
  • 1/2 c. Grilled Chicken
  • "Taste-test" all 3 recipes I made today!
  • Sweet/Red Potatoes + Olive Oil + Cinnamon + Sea Salt
  • Salmon
  • Mung Dal Kitcheree
  • Artichokes + Sea Salt + Whole Pieces Garlic
  • Coconut Chocolate Pudding
  • Red Wine
It was such a beautful day in California today -about 70 and sunny. And even though it was so sunny out, I am so glad I stayed in this afternoon for a Saturday Cook & Bake Fest!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Day 12.

A rollercoaster. I'm fully on it!

I woke up this morning - stomach slightly gassy and twisted. The morning progressed. After lunch is when it really started. It didn't stop the rest of the day. My stomach has been making noises, twisting and turning; gassy and the whole works. My stomach was almost worse today than on days prior to me eliminating foods. How? Why? What's going on?

My mouth was at a 2/3 sometimes and other times a 6/7. Again....How? Why? What's going on?

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • 1/2 Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic, Raw Carrots
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Spring Mix + Organic Spinach topped with Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic + Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil + ACV + Cinnamon
  • 2 lightly-cooked Scallops in Lemon Juice
  • About 1/4 c. Salmon
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Apple
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Quinoa + Sea Salt
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Spring Mix + Organic Spinach topped with Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic + Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Fruit Fusion

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Great Day!

Day 11.

What an awesome day it was for me today!

I had a lot of great energy and my mouth was fabulous; it was back down to about a level 2 today ! My stomach was also fairly good...a few bumps in the road; still having some of that left side bloat, which is odd. But overall, I'm so happy to report that Day 11 rocked!

Because of my great energy, I also had a wonderful workout! I did about 45 minutes of my Balls/Bands/Cables workout, then Sallie's Abs Class (which I love) and finally 20 minutes of High Intensity treadmill work. I felt on top of my workout tonight!

I tried 2 new things today:

1. The Dried, Unsulfured Mangos from Trader Joes

They are so great! A nice, little treat!

2. My Fruit Fusion Bars from the Pure Joy Bakery, based out of Danville, California.

I personally know Alaine, the Owner. She is an amazing and spiritual woman who makes the greatest Vegan Food. As I mentioned earlier, I would be employing her to help me make some stuff. You can find the fruit fusion bar here.

Keep in mind, though, that the ingredients she has listed under the Fruit Fusion Bars are NOT the ingredients she uses to make mine. She has my list of things I cannot eat and thus tailors my Fruit Fusion Bars for only the foods that like me!

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • Organic Apple
  • Fruit Fusion Bar
  • Organic Spring Mix + Organic Spinach topped with Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic + Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil
  • 3 lightly-cooked Scallops in Lemon Juice
  • About 1/4 c. Salmon
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Organic Quinoa
  • Grilled Chicken
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Orange
  • Organic, Raw Carrots
  • Organic Spring Mix + Organic Spinach topped with Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic + Sea Salt
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon)
  • About 1/2 c. Grilled Chicken/Salmon
  • 2 Dried Mangos
Tomorrow is Friday - the best day of the week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Struggle Day - Maybe the Blood Tests Help Explain

Day 10.

No one said this was going to be easy.

I did everything right today for lunch today at The Cheesecake Factory. Everyone else there got the most eye-pleasing, delectable-looking food. I refrained. I got water to start. And with my water I got a big salad - but all it included was: Romaine Lettuce, Radicchio, Cucumbers, Asparagus, Green Beans and my homemade dressing (yes I'm crazy and brought my own).

Within about an hour or two of eating, though, I did not feel good. I looked pregnant, again, as I tend to look when I get bloated. I felt bloated, super gassy and just twisted. (I like that word "twisted" in reference to my stomach - I use it a lot.) My mouth has annoyed me again all day today. I've been fatigued. My mouth started to subside right before bed, although, I got very sick with everything going through me.

Anyways, let me explain the blood tests I got and what they mean. I think it helps explain why I can never understand how I eat a clean and healthy one meal and afterward I don't feel so well.

"The Allergix family of test profiles includes IgG4 food antibody profiles that can reveal food reactions due to intestinal permeability (leaky gut) issues. Because they are distinct from IgE-mediated allergies, we describe IgG4 effects as "food sensitivities." The profiles measure levels of IgG4 antibodies that provide the clinician and patient with useful data to design appropriate diets that exclude the offending foods. IgG4 antibodies are associated with delayed hypersensitivity reactions, which are the most common-yet most difficult to detect-type of food reaction. These delayed or "hidden" food reactions can cause a variety of chronic symptoms. Since IgG4 reactions occur several hours or even days later, there may be no obvious association between consuming a food and an adverse reaction. Food IgG4 levels increase in response to the presence of the food antigens that penetrate a weakened intestinal barrier and enter the bloodstream particularly with commonly eaten foods (e.g., corn, wheat, dairy, and egg). IgG4 antibodies combine with specific food antigens to form food immune complexes, which cause the problems associated with delayed allergic responses. The complexes can cause inflammatory reactions at various sites in the body, including the small and large intestines, skin, kidneys, ears, sinuses, head, lungs, and joints."

This is my frustration. I feel as though I'm doing everything right. When it all falls down, though, I don't even know where to look for an answer or what I could've done. I have food journals, but I thought they were all foods that should be OK with my system. Leah says that this is just going to take time-a lot of time. I'm trying so hard to be patient. It's precisely that - so hard to be patient. It's only day 10, but I've had a few good days - hopeful days. But on days like today I there ever going to come a time when I am continuously symptom-free?

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Mango and Stevia
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Romaine + Radicchio + Asparagus + Green Beans + Cucumbers + Sea Salt
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon)
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Organic Apple
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Organic Baby Food - Winter Squash
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Orange
  • Salmon
  • Spinach + Arugula + Garlic + Lemon
  • Quinoa + Sea Salt
  • Dried Bananas
Tomorrow is Day 11 - I have hope.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Homemade Lunch from Heaven

Day 9.

I made the most fabulous lunch today! Not much was different, except for the added scallops, which made all the difference.
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce + Organic Spinach topped with (Lightly steamed) Organic Basil + Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon)
  • 3 lightly-cooked Scallops in Lemon Juice
  • About 1/4 c. Salmon
It was such a delicious lunch; very satisfying, too!

As I mentioned before, Mondays and Tuesdays are my long workout days. I was extremely sore today from my workout yesterday. I truly believe that nutrition and fitness go hand-in-hand. I believe they feed off of one another and in conjunction make one whole. I believe that you get out of your body what you put into it. As the old saying goes, "You are what you eat." If you eat sugar, empty carbs and things that are not right for your body everyday, then how can you expect your body to produce the results you are hoping for? Put good things into it and then work it all out...amazing what will happen!

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Mango and Stevia (Yes, I switched the fruit up today!)
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce + Organic Spinach topped with (Lightly steamed) Organic Basil + Organic Arugula + Lemon + Garlic
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon)
  • 3 lightly-cooked Scallops in Lemon Juice
  • About 1/4 c. Salmon
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Organic Quinoa
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Organic Apple
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Orange
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon)
  • 3 lightly-cooked Scallops in Lemon Juice
  • About 1/4 c. Grilled Chicken
  • Organic Corn Tortilla
  • Dried Bananas
I got bloated around 3pm again today. It, again, was my lower left side pain and then bloating. It subsided around 5pm. I am very happy to report my mouth was pretty good today! On a scale of 1-10 (which I use as my rating scale for mouth "annoyance") it was at about a level 2/3 today. That's moving mountains for me!

The girls at work are taking me out for lunch tomorrow - The Cheesecake Factory. I would have loved to have said, "I'm sorry. I can't." But I felt that was too rude. I'm so thankful for them. So I'll go, but I have to say - I'm so scared to eat out now; maybe even a little phobic! I'm crossing my fingers on this one.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome to Week 2

Welcome to Week 2!

Today was an overall decent day. I had some left side pain that started around 3pm - bloating pain. Not fun! I believe this is either from damage OR damage + the 1/2 c. of black beans (no salt added) I ate with my lunch today. I ate lunch around 1pm and by 3pm had pain. We all know that beans are gassy for normal people, so I would imagine that maybe they are a little hard on me right now.

I tried a new kind of Glee Gum today, the Tangerine flavor. I loved it! It took me back to my days of "Tropical Twist" Trident, only without the chemicals!

Monday and Tuesdays are my long workout days. I spend about 2-2.5 hours after work at our Club doing various things. Mondays typically include warm up or sprints, then lifting and finally 30-45 minutes of spin class.

Tonight during spin (as my legs started to feel like bricks) the instructor said, "Listen to your body. What is it telling you?" And as she said that, my legs moved harder and faster because I knew my body was saying, "I'm not dead yet. I still have energy. Take all my energy and run with it."

The same is true with food for me now. I am constantly in a state of determining "What is my body telling me? Am I hungry? Or am I thirsty? How does my stomach feel? How does my mouth feel?" And after I determine this, I am working on "What can I do to improve the situation through my next meal?" Maybe something has been off today, maybe it was off yesterday, but I am remembering that it has been off for years and years. I am happy to finally recognize this, make the change and move forward.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic spinach + basil + arugula + Romaine lettuce + garlic + lemon juice
  • Organic, no salt added Black Beans
  • Salmon
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Organic Quinoa
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Organic Apple
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Organic Apple
  • Wild Salmon Burger
  • Salad with Homemade Dressing from earlier
  • Organic Corn Tortilla
  • Dried Bananas

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nothing Changes IF Nothing Changes

Welcome to Day 7!

It's Sunday, so it only seems right that I give thanks and praise for everything wonderful! After all, I'm sitting here writing this and reflecting on a beautiful day, what could be more wonderful than that?!

Today at church I heard 2 very important things. The first was, "Nothing changes if nothing changes." This truly resonated with me on many different levels, but for the purposes of this, I will speak on behalf of this journey.

It seems so simple: Nothing changes if nothing changes. Here I was, though, 5 years ago. I wondered day in and day out what on earth could be wrong with me. I went to doctor after doctor and the only "change" they had in mind for me was to "take a new drug" or "find a new prescription" that might temporarily help. BUT...truly no change.

And then fast forward 2 years when I did my detox. I knew something was strange then when I felt so much better - magically. I attempted and actually made a change. Day 1 of not detoxing and putting the food/chemicals back into my body, though, everything reverted back to misery. Essentially, nothing changed because nothing changed.

For me, now, I really don't have any choice but to take this journey and make this lifelong change. But, for anyone else who feels drained, lethargic, sick, tired, sad, weak, bloated, irritable and on and on and do have the choice to make this change. But in order to really make the change, there must be the commitment to make a change!

(I will keep the 2nd very important thing I heard until the end!)

I feel better than I did yesterday, but I'm tired today and my stomach is still doing some crazy gymnastics. I am not spending my whole day dwelling on what went wrong, but instead getting prepared for the week ahead! I made up a large batch of spinach/garlic this morning, along with quinoa.

I have such a sweet tooth. Ryan and my Mother split a "S'Mores Chocolate" from Michael Recchiuti Confections today. I was so jealous. If you have never had a Michael Recchiuti chocolate and are able to, I strongly recommend it! But I couldn't have one. For anyone out there who knows me, I.LOVE.SWEETS! I have the biggest sweet tooth. No one needs sweets all the time - that's how we get an overgrowth of sugar in us, but a treat from time-to-time would be so nice.

To satisfy this "edge," I am going to be employing this great woman, Alaine, that I know. Before I found out all of my allergies, I was eating (religiously) her Vegan Fruit Fusion Bars. Turns out, though, there is Soy Lecithin, Barley and Tofu in them. I let her know that I will need some modifications made. She is excited to work with me. I know that eventually I will find my own ways and means to "dessert," but for now, she will be a huge help to me.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Chocolate Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apples
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce + Organic Spinach + Garlic Cloves
  • Homemade Dressing (ACV + Olive Oil + Cinnamon) + Sea Salt
Post-Workout Snack
  • Organic Raw Carrots
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce + Organic Spinach + Organic Basil + Organic Arugula + Garlic + Lemon Juice + Sea Salt
  • Homemade Dressing
  • Organic, Corn Tortillas
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Dried Banana Flats
Side Note on Dinner: I made up a batch of this Organic Basil + Organic Arugula + Garlic/Lemon Juice/Sea Salt. Such a great combination! Once it's made, you just use a little to "top off" your salad.

I am now fully ready to begin week 2! It was a very successful week, overall. I had a few minor bumps, which, even though they have definitely set me back, are still just "minor bumps."
And as promised, my 2nd very important thing I heard today, which I want and need to remember for this upcoming week....

"Enjoy the Ride - Enjoy the Process." - Matt Berry

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Must have been something I ate....

Day 6.

I have been very strict - extremely good -for what I can be, at least while out-and-about!

I think something caught up with me, though. My stomach has hurt today some and it's making funny noises. And as the day has gone on, my mouth started to annoy me a little more. I am feeling some bloated tonight as well.

This has made me realize that there is just simply not perfection in anything - unless, of course, you completely control everything! And there is no way to have that control when you are out eating.

I had to remind myself today that Leah told me these first 4 weeks were to get my diet down, learn how to shop and be as good as I can be - not perfect. The next 4 weeks are for perfectionism. I knew the ingredients in everything today, but still...something was obviously not right!

Here was my day:


  • Organic Steel Cut Oats with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, and Stevia
  • Organic Banana
  • Organic Chocolate Rice Milk
  • Organic Smoked Salmon Stick (I reviewed the ingredients before eating)
Lunch (At Sea Lion Cafe)
  • Ahi Tuna - plain
  • Carrots + 6 small broccoli pieces - plain
  • Red Wine
  • Red wine (At Concannon!)
  • Organic Kettle Corn (I reviewed the ingredients before eating)
  • Ahi Tuna
  • Asparagus
  • Olive Oil + Sea Salt
  • Sweet Potatoes + Cinnamon
I'm a little frustrated tonight - okay, very frustrated tonight. Everything about the past 2 days has been amazing - even the food. BUT....just not the way I'm feeling right now. I don't know what happened or where it went wrong?

No going out to eat for awhile again, hopefully. Perhaps I need to just have and take 100% control for awhile.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Out-and-About Problems

Today is Day 5!

It was a gorgeous day today in Northern California!

My Mom and I had such a fun day! We went for an hour walk, and then we spent a ton of time at Anthropolgie! Ryan's cousin always says that you get what you pay for in candles - Anthropologie has the best! We, of course, bought some.

We were out-and-about all day, which means out-and-about eating! Green Tea with lemon at Barista's. Spring mix, peas, cucumbers, asparagus and olive oil + grapefruit at Draeger's. Red Vino. Spring mix, dried cranberries, candied walnuts and olive oil at The Boardwalk.

Simple - or so it seems. Three problems with going out to eat: 1. You can never truly know if something has been added. 2. The wait staff is always annoyed by the high-maintenance attributes you possess. 3. Everyone around you is eating burger and fries. You smell it. You want just a bite. You cannot have it.

I am very happy with the choices I made today. I worry some about the "what has been added" to my food. Going out to eat is definitely not as pleasurable anymore. I wonder what I will feel like tomorrow. I pray that it's not bad.

Here was my day:

  • Organic Steel Cut Oats, Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, and Stevia
  • Green Tea with Lemon
  • Spring Mix
  • Cucumbers, peas, asparagus
  • Olive Oil
  • Red wine
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Apple
  • Dried Bananas
  • Organic Raw Carrots
  • Spring Mix
  • Candied Walnuts
  • 2 Glasses Red Wine
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Wild Salmon Burger (I was still hungry when we got home!)
Going out for lunch or dinner is such a common thing. There is nothing bizarre or unusual about it. Yet, for anyone who suffers from food allergies, it's a big deal to go out to eat. For the average person who is, say "dieting," they can just "order of the healthy menu." It's what I used to do.
  • "Dressing on the side."
  • "Hold the cheese."
  • "Cottage cheese and fruit instead of fries."
  • "Mustard instead of mayo."
The end. Not so much anymore. I can't have any of that! And that's hard. And that's frustrating. But, it is what it is. And at the end of the day, if I stick to it, commit to it and devote my lifestyle to it, then eventually it will just be second nature. It won't seem like such a "chore." And I'll feel good - much better than any split second of satisfaction that a burger and fries will give me!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh where or where is my gum?

Day 4!

Today has been better. I am still very tired today, but I only got 5 hours of sleep last night, so I guess fatigue is to be expected. My dark circles under my eyes are still there. My stomach is a little twisted still; probably not as bad as yesterday. My mouth is not as bad as yesterday, either.

I had emailed Leah yesterday, complaining about all of my weird and awful symptoms. Among many other things she asked me and told me about she said, "Quick question...are you off of the "unnatural" gum yet? I have a feeling the gum could be contributing to your bloating and gas. I looked at the ingredients online...yikes! Please stop :)" I reassured her that I have not had my "unnatural" gum since Sunday!

However, I was absolutely addicted to that gum! Orange-flavored Trident. Probably the gum I've ever had in my life. BUT - it's terrible for you, as far as what's in it. I, in particular, can no longer have it because there is Soy Lecithin in it. I always wondered about this funny-named ingredient, Soy Lecithin. I wondered if it was actually soy or if it was just another crazy chemical. Turns out - both. Leah gave me this wonderful article about it! Read up!

In addition to Soy Lecithin, here are the other nasty ingredients in it: Sorbitol , Gum Base , Xylitol , Natural and Artificial Flavoring , Mannitol , Glycerin , Aspartame , Acesulfame Potassium , Yellow 6 Lake , Yellow 5 Lake , Yellow 5 , Yellow 6 , Red 40 , Blue 1 , BHT - to Maintain Freshness .

Needless to say, I decided to make the switch to natural gum. I now chew the Glee Gum. It's a great gum! Go get yourself some at Whole Foods or Trader Joes.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic spinach and zucchini
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
  • Organic Winter Squash Baby Food
  • Organic Apple
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic, Corn Tortilla
  • Quinoa pasta with Homemade Argula-Pesto Sauce (a fabulous recipe Leah gave to me!)
  • Grilled Chicken
  • 2 Glasses Red Wine
  • Dried Bananas
My Mom is here, so we went for a nice, long walk tonight with the dogs. We ate our wonderful dinner, drank some great wine and relaxed.

Today was definitely a better day than yesterday was. We'll cross our fingers for Day 5!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Day 3 Dumps

(Un) Welcome to Day 3!

Today has been a very hard day for me. I think my body must be sending some sort of weird signals saying, "What are you doing to me? Where is my Tofu? And Greek Yogurt? And Soy Lattes?"

I woke up today feeling kind of crummy and bloated. I got dressed, though, and put a smile on because my Mom is flying in tonight. It was going to be a good day!

By late morning, though, my mouth was really annoying me! Let me explain this "mouth problem" because I will refer to it a lot. It's bizarre. It's unnatural. It's unlike anything that any doctor or dentist could ever help me figure out. My mouth constantly feels like it's burning or chronically being rubbed against carpet. It has been this way for about 5 years. Some days are better than others, though. The sides of my tongue annoy me. The sides of the roof of my mouth annoy me. Talking is so frustrating most of the time. Sometimes it just burns all over. Sometimes, red dots (not painful at all) just appear out of nowhere on the insides of my cheeks.

Having said all of that, the strangest thing is that there is absolutely nothing visible in my mouth! And this is why no one has ever been able to figure it out. 5 years ago a dentist said, "Well, I have no idea what it is, but I'm going to give you antibiotics for Thrush." So he gave them to me. Outcome? Nothing - if anything, made it burn worse. Doctor after doctor had no idea - no one even wanted to investigate it more. Some took several blood tests, which showed nothing. And over the years, people have just looked at me like I was crazy when I try to explain this all. I've had several, several breakdowns of just crying because no one could understand - mostly when people laughed and/or said it was "just all in my head." It was a dentist, about 3 years into it, who said, "Perhaps it's food allergies."

And now, I just pray everyday that it is.

Back to my downer day....

So my mouth is super annoyed annoyed today. And, today, red dots appeared on my lower gums. They look like little "specks" of red dots.

I have felt really stomach cramps and a weird bloat all day. My stomach is twisted.

I am so tired today. Several people at work have commented on "the bags under my eyes." My eyes feel heavy and I feel tired.

I am sad today. Doughnuts were brought in today - the really great kind with chocolate and sprinkles! I looked at them, but knew that they would only add to this problem in the long run. So I refrained. But not with the enthusiasm I had hoped to have today.

And I became even more sad when I just thought about food and what I was going to eat. I went to Whole Foods, again, for the 2nd time in 4 days! I bought ingredients for a recipe that I'm going to make tomorrow night, one that Leah gave to me. I also found some Organic Corn Tortillas, which Leah said would be fine for me. But still, I'm so hungry.

I wonder, perhaps this is a food withdrawal. Maybe this is a real phenomenon that I am going through? Maybe this is supposed to happen and this is a good thing?

I read somewhere that the reason I am experiencing these symptoms is because my body is releasing too many toxins that I cannot handle. They say the more toxins you have the more symptoms you will also get. They also said that symptoms can last 10 days to a couple of weeks, depending on my toxicity levels and how fast I can eliminate these toxins.

Here was my day:


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, Banana and Stevia
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic spinach and zucchini
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
  • Organic Pear
  • Organic Steel Cut Oats
  • Organic, Unsweetened Rice Milk with 1 packet of Stevia
  • Apple
  • Organic, Corn Tortillas with Whole Foods Grilled Chicken
  • Wild Salmon Burger
  • Salad with Homemade Dressing from earlier
  • Organic spinach
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce
  • Dried Bananas
Did I mention that every day I have 1-3 cups of Green Tea as well?! It keeps me warm and cozy!

I will leave the day by heading to the airport with Ryan to pick up my Mom, who gets in at 11:30pm. We cannot wait to have her for the weekend! It will be good for me; much needed!

I know that today's "bump-in-the-road" may be one of many to come....BUT, tomorrow is another day. I am thankful, so very thankful, to have yet another day to witness some sort of progress.

I leave the Day 3 Dumps with happiness through my zen and images that make me happy!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Did I Mention Red Wine is OK?

Day 2 today!

I woke up feeling pretty good! I lost 2 pounds, but this I know for a fact is solely due to less bloat. No bloating upon waking means a great start to my day!

I failed to mention before, but Red Wine, according to Leah, is OK for me! She said that if I reacted to yeast, there would be no Red Wine. As a matter of fact, she said that stress is also a terrible thing for the body. Thus, if I feel stressed at the end of the day I should not feel guilty or anything else about drinking a glass or two! Whew! That was a sense of relief:)

Speaking of stress, I think now would be a great time to interject on one way I relieve a ton of stress: YOGA! I. Heart. Yoga. I did Yoga one time in college - hated it. Never went back! Looking back on it, I understand why. I took Yoga in a gymnasium, with no Yoga mat, all lights on and with about 100 other people! This is in no way, shape or form relaxing!

I decided to give Yoga another try. I work at an upscale health and fitness club in San Ramon, CA - ClubSport San Ramon. We offer plenty of Yoga classes, with great instructors, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. After the first time, I was still a little apprehensive. But after the 2nd time, I was hooked. The difference: Instructor + Style + Overall Ambiance. I never miss a Tuesday night class anymore! (This even cuts into 1/2 of Tuesday night American Idol for me, but it's so worth it!)

Yoga offers a way to cool down, to relax and to let go of any negative thoughts or built up anxieties. It has allowed me to move my body in ways I never have before. It has taught me how to breathe and how to take in things one at a time. Yoga makes me feel strong - in body and in mind. And the best part of yoga - the final relaxation - the Shavasana!

Here was my day (mostly the same as yesterday):


  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil, 1/2 banana and Stevia
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic spinach and zucchini
  • Organic Romaine Lettuce
  • Organic, no salt added Black Beans
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Organic Steel Cut Oats
  • Organic, Unsweetened Rice Milk with 1 packet of Stevia
  • Orange
  • Wild Salmon Burger
  • Salad with Homemade Dressing from earlier
  • Organic spinach
  • Dried Bananas
I've made it to see Day 3 tomorrow.....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 1

Welcome to Day 1!

I woke up with a great attitude today, since I must keep reminding myself of all the benefits and possible outcomes vs. dwelling on "what I cannot have!"

And then tonight during my workout, I was reminded just why I am doing this. My stomach started to hurt so badly - I think the weekend's worth of food has caught up with me! I am so happy to be starting all of this!

When it comes to food, I tend to be a little more boring at times than I would like. Most people out there would find any delicious, delectable and divine food replacement possible. That way, the whole "process" would seem so much less daunting. Not me - I've just been trying to stick with the basics. Most great and "funky" products like that out there just won't cut it for me. Even if they don't have one of the 22 foods I'm not able to tolerate, chances are they have some other chemical or pesticide or additive that I'm not willing to waste time on with researching! Thus, my food for today is somewhat boring!

Here was my day (make note - I eat several meals throughout the day - always have and always will):
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Steel Cut Oats
  • Organic, Unsweetened Rice Milk with 1 packet of Stevia
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Baby Food - Winter Squash
  • Organic spinach and zucchini
  • Lettuce & purple cabbage
  • Organic, no salt added Black Beans
  • Homemade Dressing (Olive Oil + Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar + a pinch of Cinnamon)
Snack - Pre-Workout
  • Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein Powder with Unsweetened Rice Milk, Spirulina, Fish Oil and Stevia
Snack - Post-Workout
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Organic Apple
  • Wild Salmon Burger
  • Salad with Homemade Dressing from earlier
  • Dried Bananas
I have a great appreciation for my new "homemade" dressing that Leah gave to me. (Leah is my Nutritionist - a fabulous one at that!) I never would have thought that Apple Cider Vinegar could be good with anything, but it is wonderful when you combine it with Olive Oil and just a pinch or two of cinnamon. The parts I use are:
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Go out, get yourself some Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil and Cinnamon and you can kiss away the days of chemical-filled, overly-processed, pre-packaged salad dressings!

Cheers to Day 1!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

These (were) a Few of My Favorite Things.

I have lived the past few years (and moreso this past year) on these 3 items:
1. Azumaya Tofu - Light, Extra Firm
2. Barista's (in Tracy, CA) Soy Latte
3. Trader Joe's Nonfat, Plain Greek Yogurt

These will soon become - "(Were) a few of my favorite things."

I took this last day, Easter Sunday, April 12th to really let it sink in. I let it sink in and I ate everything and anything I wanted! I probably had more calories today and calories from junk food in general than I have in the past few days combined!

I think I'm excited for this new journey, but I must admit that I'm a little apprehensive at the same time. I truly don't know what I'm going to eat without becoming bored. But I guess that's where my creativity will come into play.

I went grocery shopping this afternoon. It was such a struggle. I almost started to cry. I'm scared now for sure. Will the pleasure of eating be gone? Will I be super hungry all the time? Will I lose muscle because my protein sources are limited? Will I go insane trying to be so careful?

All of these questions and thoughts. But then I step back and remind myself that I'm going to feel better. I'm going to look better. And because I look and feel better, I will hopefully become a better person because of it!

Tomorrow starts Day 1.....the beginning of my journey towards zen through health. The beginning of - Cutting the Ingredients. Clearing the Clutter. Simple. Zen.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Results are In

My food allergy blood tests came back! The only thing I really can say is "WOW!" Here is my comprehensive list of foods I reacted to:
  • Casein
  • Egg White
  • Egg Yolk
  • Milk
  • Pork
  • Halibut
  • Mackerel
  • Shrimp
  • Blueberry
  • Grape
  • Barley
  • Lentil
  • Navy Bean
  • Soybean
  • Ginger
  • Malt
  • Almond
  • Pistachio
  • Sesame
  • Sunflower
  • Celery
  • Mustard
The worst reactions for me were egg whites, milk, pork and mustard.

When you first look at this list, although long, you think, "Well, probably not so bad." This still means I can eat fairly normally while enjoying dessert. Not quite!

It's hard to grasp, but eggs and milk are in everything. Pork will be easier for me. And mustard? Who would've ever thought? Apparently, though, Mustard is now the 4th most common food allergy in children. (Mustard powder, salad dressing, mayonnaise, soups, sauces.)

I will be beginning a long process of "ridding my body" of these foods. Starting Monday, I will begin a 4-week process of limiting the foods that I reacted most to: Dairy, Eggs, Pork, Halibut, Soy, Almond, Pistachio, Sesame (and tahini), Sunflower, Mustard, Ginger and Malt. I must really focus on these to begin with. I have to "(re)teach" myself how to shop and what products I can/cannot buy.

I will then take a week off - to rest and relax (because we are going on our honeymoon!)

The Monday I get back, then, is the real deal. All 22 items will be nixed. I will need to remain near perfection with my eating. No mistakes. Only healing for 4 weeks.

When that is over, it will be time to start the re-introducing process. We will monitor my progress and see what I may be able to add in. Perhaps something like the blueberries, which I had a lower reaction to.

And during it all, I will be taking nutritional supplementation. I believe I have only the best!

My nutritionist said to me today - "The foods you currently eat are so healthy - but just not for you." It goes back to the quote I said yesterday, "What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others."I guess I am an example of this. And that's okay with me, as long as I'm able to finally feel better.

My hope is that through this blog I can show others that they, too, can feel better through proper nutrition. There is no reason not to be 100% day-in and day-out. And there is also no reason to believe that medication and doctor visit after doctor visit is always the absolute "cure." I believe that sometimes we all just need to step back - take a look at our lives. How do we treat ourselves? How do we treat our bodies? Do I care enough about Me to begin this journey?

I believe that on Monday, April 13th, I will be ready.....finally!

The Rundown - Food: Past, Present and future

I am an extraordinarily passionate person. My passion carries over into every aspect of my life. Naturally, then, about 5 years ago when I started to have "mystery symptoms" I became passionate about finding out what was going on.

This led to my passion of food. Then again, who isn't passionate about food, right? Food is not just for survival - it's for pleasure and is a "social event.""What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others." - Lucretius
I had a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy 5 years ago; my problems mostly began after that. I have all stomach and oral problems. I have gone to multiple doctors and dentists, only to be put on more medication, given more tests and no hope. No one knew what was going on and most just thought I was crazy.

It was about 3 years ago, then, when I decided to do a 21-day detox diet from January 1-January 21. I was eating plain as plain can be and no: Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Sugar. By about the 2nd week, magically, everything went away! However, because I was not connecting any of this to food, I went back to eating normally and everything came back. A few months later, it was a dentist who said, "Maybe you have some sort of food allergy/intolerance."

I have devoted my life to it ever since.

But let me say - it is not easy!

Food to me, over the past few years, has been more of an A.R.T that I have tried to slice and dice with all the ingredients, facts, labels - deciphering and writing every last thing down. I have journals and more journals on daily intake combined with noticed symptoms. And it has almost gotten me nowhere. I can go through periods where I'm "really good," but even then, I may have something and there are 30 ingredients in it. The continuous cycle goes on and on.

I've tried to just live normally. My husband and I went into San Francisco a few weeks ago to a dinner. It was amazing! One of the courses was a Black Ink Squid. This was my favorite course!

And while, for most people, this was wholesome and delectable, for me, it probably was that fierce poison.

So I got myself a Holistic Nutritionist. I am at the point in my life where I'm tired - tired of these "food games," and moreso tired of these "journal games." I'm bound and determined to learn "food" to learn the A.R.T of Food once and for all.

I need to learn what works for me, what food is really all about, what ingredients are really all about and mostly - "Cut the Ingredients. Clear the Clutter. Simple. Zen."

My food allergy/intolerance blood tests are in today. Today I should be able to finally "begin my journey."