GAPS: Day 1&2. It's never easy. It's especially never easy when you start on a Sunday, the Sunday of a huge Country Concert you've been waiting for for months.
But there was no better day than yesterday to start. I knew if I could get through it then, I could get through it any day!
I had my "Last Supper" Saturday night. It was so good. The night started off at the movie theater (Toy Story 3 - go see it!) and we got a jumbo fountain soda drink (yes, a contributor to my misery).
After the movie we went to dinner with a bunch of friends at On the Border. Chips, salsa, margaritas, dinner and then we even stopped for some Golden Spoon on the way home. Stuffed. Satisfied. The Last Supper.
I woke up in the middle of the night sick. Of course!
Day 1 of GAPS was very trying, of course. My body craved sugar and carbs. I was tired. But again, I stuck with it.
Day 1 Food:
- Slow-cooked chicken
- Magic Mineral Broth
- Slow-cooked turkey
- Avocado
- Probiotics
Day 2: today - Monday, June 21. A day with two complete extremes of love/hate. On the one hand, instantly - in one day - 2+ pounds of bloat gone. No bloat. None. At all. Guys can appreciate this some maybe, females can and will totally relate to this and people who struggle with any sort of stomach problems will find this unbelievable. Believe it!
But, the sacrifice I paid was a fatigue that was so awful. I am typically wide awake around 6am. Today - 8:20am. And then it was just slump, fatigue and that awful feeling all day. I had to sleep and then sleep some more. I was of no use. I am certain this is all part of the Detox Phase. Day 2 last time was the SAME.
Day 2 Food:
- Slow-cooked chicken
- Magic Mineral Broth
- Slow-cooked turkey
- Avocado
- Broiled chicken in Coconut Oil
- Raw Coconut Butter
- Probiotics
I would have loved a date with Mr. Gym today. I really had every intention of going today, but then I just decided to not force myself. I will tomorrow, even if it's just to get some movement. I know the energy will come back, (especially once I re-introduce bananas) but in the beginning detox and no carbs/sugar it is so difficult.
I am praying for a better tomorrow. I know it can only go up from here!